Tuesday, June 13, 2006
probing the proboscis
This is really getting out of hand. The more I read up on the Proboscis monkey the more I'm convinced it's just a really hairy human.

The males are usually bigger than the females.
The males have potbellies and bigger noses.
The bigger the nose, the sexier the monkey.
The females have small, pointy, upturned noses.
They carry their babies on the hips, and live in harems of about half a dozen females to one male.
They swim and they walk (for extended periods of time).
(Native Borneans called it the Dutch Monkey, because - harhar - the Dutch settlers who "settled" in Borneo looked so much like it with their big noses, hairy bodies and pot bellies. Hmmm...)
And babies are born with vividly blue faces. Which is not at all like human babies.
But heck, they look so human with those noses...

The males are usually bigger than the females.
The males have potbellies and bigger noses.
The bigger the nose, the sexier the monkey.
The females have small, pointy, upturned noses.
They carry their babies on the hips, and live in harems of about half a dozen females to one male.
They swim and they walk (for extended periods of time).
(Native Borneans called it the Dutch Monkey, because - harhar - the Dutch settlers who "settled" in Borneo looked so much like it with their big noses, hairy bodies and pot bellies. Hmmm...)
And babies are born with vividly blue faces. Which is not at all like human babies.
But heck, they look so human with those noses...

you n me baby ain't nothin' but mammal so let's do it like they do on the discovery channel...