Monday, February 26, 2007

In the News

"ISLAMABAD, Feb 25: A religious zealot scared journalists to death, and landed himself in police lock-up, by announcing at a press conference here on Sunday that he was going to blow himself up."

He didn't actually need to blow himself up, after all...

Also, sometimes when you read little snippets like this one it makes you smile. A little smugly. Ever so slightly.

the Khalid Ishaque Wing of our library has at least six Mills & Boons, according to reliable sources. What a wonderful DIY guide for those long, boring hours spent studying books up there. Now you can land yourself the study-buddy of your choice (tall darkandhandsome... or average-looking and rather hairy), go through passionate hours of Econ305 being the worst course - and best bonding bitch session - ever and end up studying (with?) them instead.

Britney baby, one more time!
Britney is bald. It's official. Whoever said that blondes are stupid must now retract that statement and instead say that blondes are generally naturally stupid but some blondes are definitely brain-damaged due to drug and alcohol abuse and should not be allowed to check themselves out of rehab after a day, especially if they were once blonde but are now bald because of aforementioned brain-damage. (Oh, and they should also be kept away from electic/other razors.)
I realise it's quite a mouthful but if you're not Britney chances are you'll manage to say enough of it to claim membership to the subdivision of humanity that does not include formerly-blonde balds.

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